Thursday, February 15, 2007

UniCare Sound Quotes

UniCare Sound Health Insurance Plans have a new home on the internet at .

Sound health rates is the new address for the website replacing

Both addresses can take you where you want to go, but is the top resource for understanding, and applying for UniCare Sound Health plans.

UniCare's Sound Health Plan is the perfect plan if you are single, between the ages of 18-40, and live in Illinois, or Texas. It is the perfect student health plan, the perfect plan while you are waiting for the next job, the perfect plan for when you are single, and it is real health insurance that limits your losses to the deductible.

Sound is Health coverage for your body, eyes, teeth. You know, the important stuff. Three simple health insurance plans, one just your flavor.Apply online, that's it. No catches, no wasted time.

Brought to you by your tight bud's at UniCare Health Insurance Company of the Midwest, and Unicare Health Rates.

1 comment:

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